飛華 ASUKA シリーズ
リトグラフによる<ストロークス>のシリーズは、1974年の個展から始まる。それまで、形態の並列や、繰り返しによる無焦点の<ノーフォーカス>シリーズや、単なる暈しではなく、相対する色彩のもとで総合浸透する暫時的移行の<グラデュエーション>シリーズを制作していた。この<ストロークス>では、言葉の意味する「腕の一振り」や「筆勢」、「鼓動」など身体的な身振りや心音を意識し、描く行為にも思いをはせている。かって、インク練台の上で遊びながら、偶然にローラーボカシの手法を発見したのは 1968年であった。木製や重い鉄ローラーに代わり、軽いアルミ製のローラーが出現し、長さも自由に発注できると知り驚喜したのを思い出す。網点の分解や吹付けによるのではなく、インクそのものが相互に浸透するローラーボカシによる諧調表現には魅了され、のめり込みながら展開してきた。油彩シリーズ「飛華・ASUKA」も<ストロークス>シリーズから繋がる「腕の一振り」「筆勢」「鼓動」など身体的な身振りや心音を意識し描く行為は現在も変わらない。
東京芸術大学大学院絵画科油画専攻修士課程修了。1971年第8回パリビエンナーレ展出(渡欧)、1972年東京国際版画ビエンナーレ展(受賞)、1975~76年文化庁在外研修員(英国・米国)、 1976年 第5回英国版画ビエンナーレ展、1981年世界の現代版25年展(東京都美術館)、2000年日本美術の20世紀展 (東京都現代美術館) 2004年「HANGA-東西交流の波」展(東京芸術大学美術館)等に出品。鮮やかな色彩で、リトグラフのグラデーション技法を駆使した作品を発表、パリビエンナーレ展はじめ、各国際展で活躍する。また「STROKES」シリーズを経て、油彩・版表現などによる「飛華・ASUKA」のシリーズを制作展開。現在、東京造形大学名誉教授。
1942 Born in Nagoya, Japan
1961 Graduated high school Art of Asahigaoka 1961 Aichi Prefectural
Learn basic Japanese painting techniques, oil painting, sculpture.
1962 Utano-kitanoinn student in Kyoto 1962 (6 months)
1963 Department of Oil Painting Department of Tokyo University of the Arts Painting
1967 Graduated from the Oil Painting Department of Tokyo National University of Fine Arts Painting
1969 Postgraduate Department of Oil Painting, Graduate School of Tokyo University of Fine Arts 1969
1969-73 Laboratory assistant university Oil Painting Department of Prints
1971 Participated in the 1971 Paris Biennale, over the European countries.
1973 Associate Professor Department of Tokyo- Zokei University of Art and Design,painting
1975 Training trip Egypt, Morocco (Art and Islamic Art)
1976 Agency for Cultural Affairs trainee overseas artists (up to 76 years, the U,S,A the U, K)
1976 over the Mayan ruins in Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras
1983 Lecturer at Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music 1983 (until 1987)
1987 Professor of Tokyo-Zokei University of Art and Design 1987 painting
2007 Visiting Professor, Nagoya-Zokei University of Design and Services
2008 Emeritus Professor Tokyo-Zokei University of Art and Design
Exhibition and Shows
1969 5th International Youth Art Exhibition (Tokyo)
Shell Art Exhibition, prize(Tokyo)
1971 7th Paris Biennal,France
1972 8th Tokyo International Print Biennial (prize)
Japan Art Festival, Tokyo and Mexico
1976 5th British International Print Biennale
12th Florence International Print Biennial (Italy)
1975-76 Grant from the Cultural Affairs Agency for one year of study and travel abroad
1979 6th British International PrintBiennial (Bradford,England)
1981 1th Asia Inteernational Art Festival (Bangladesh)
Cntemporary Printof World 25Years(Tokyo,Hirosima,Tochigi)
70s Trend 70s Art of Japan, Seoul ( Korea)
1982 Seibu Grand Prize Print Competition (Tokyo)
1983 4th Seoul Internaationl Print Biennil (South Korea)
1985 Contemporary Japanese Print, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
CWAJ Overseas Exhibition , British Museum, London
1988 12th Krakow International Print Biennil (Poland)
1990 Grop show, Retretti Art Cenre, (Finland)
1991 5th Taiwan Internatioan Print Biennial (Taipei)
1992 NICArt Fair, Yohohama Japan
1994 Triennale Print'94 Krakow (Poland)
1995 View of Modern Prints,Niigata Municipal Musem of Art
1997 The prints of the 20th century (Tokushima Prefectural Museum of Art)
1999 6th Exposicion Litografia Argentina Contemporaneo, Buenos Aires(Argentina)
2000 Japanese Art Exhibition of the 20th Century Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo
Art forefront with 25 artists (Ikeda Museum of 20th Century Art)
2001 Art Kite Museum Opening, Detmolde ( Germany)
2004 HANGA - East/West Exchanges waves" exhibition (Tokyo National University of Fine Arts Museum)
2006 Prints on the PLATE-Exhibition in Soul (Korea)
2007 Awagami printmaking exhibition "Printmakings in 6 artists"(Tokyo)
2007-08 The 40th Anniversary of the Japanese Government Overseas
2008 Commemorative exhibition "Harvest” organized by Tokyo Zokei University
2008 "Strokes1965-2008” Memorial Exhibition at Tokyo Zokei University
2010 Collar of PRESS- LITHOGRAPH, Bunpodo Gallery(Tokyo)
60’Contemporary Art Exhibition in Aichi,HORI Museumof Art (Nagoya)
2013 ”Tkeshi HARA Prints" solo Exhibition , Fukuoka Art Museum
"Print and Word" Gallery of OKINAWA Pretectural University of Art
2014 Powers of AICHI '70~" Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art
2015 STROKES-Takeshi HARA, Fine Art Gallery of Ching Mai University, (Thailand)
STROKES-Takeshi HARA, Gallery ART BRIDGE , Chiang Rai (Thailand)
2018 "STROKES by T, HARA" ARDEL THRD PLACE Gallery ,Bangkok (Thailand)
Collections ( Partial list)
Tokyo National Museum of Modern Art,; Kyoto National Museum of Modern Art;
Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Contemporary Art; Cincinnati Art Museum;
British Museum, London; The Japan Foundation, Tokyo;
The Machida International Print Museum of Art; Rockefeller Foundation of Art;
Art Gallery of New South Wales; National Gallery of Australia;
University of Alberta Art Collection; The Art Gallery of University of Maryland;
Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum; LosAngels County Museum of Art;
Singapore Art Museum; Fukuoka Art Mueum;
Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art ; Ome City Museum of Art ;
Toyota Municipal Museum of Art; Tochigi Prefectural Museum of Fine Arts